What if we could have the chance to rewrite the way we are living in cities? The proposed concept imagines a space in which the diversity of individual characters become greater and richer when captured as a collective. Cities are vibrant places because they house so many different stories. The house of stage tries to harbor the richness of diversity in one unit, enabling a flexible and convivial lifestyle,. The given room continuum is based on a spectrum from secluded to shared or private to public. This is achieved by not determining the use of the room by a certain shape or idea of a planer. At the same time, the ground floor accommodates a public square and cinema, other other shared uses. Whereas on the sixth floor are the smallest and more private units. In house of stage, all characters can find their very own story in this continuum and are not forced to conform to a given apartment structure. The most private room may serve for some as the place where they want to rest and sleep and for others as a place where they want to actively pursue their passion.

concept drawing